October 1, 2021

It’s true...and things are growing

January 2020

Can you believe it?
There is a baby growing....in MY belly.
We have been wrapping our heads around this one since Halloween night.
It has been a long couple of months.
I have lived on the couch surviving on sourdough toast and gingerale.
Romney has been a trooper taking care of all the things while I lay on the couch feeling lousy.
Things are going well and my body is doing what it is supposed to.
My crohns is staying nice and quiet and I am starting to grow!
I have been able to hide under sweaters for a while but not anymore,
baby is growing and so am I.

Jan 5 2020-(17 weeks)
Jan 12 (18 weeks)
Jan 19 (19 weeks)
My belly isn't the only thing growing....
So are my lips.
It is so bizarre.
It was one of my first symptoms.
They balloon up every morning and require an obseen amount of chapstick.
They shrink back down eventually in the day.
Its wild.

My days are filled with resting on the couch and growing a human while my other humans count down until their baby sister get here!

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