October 2, 2021

35 weeks

May 8, 2020 
35 weeks!
I cannot believe it.
Were having a baby in a month.
I am finally descending out of denial and accepting that we are really having a baby!

Lane continues to snuggle up and use his sister as a pillow.

Baby sister loves cookies and milk!
She does not seem to mind my middle of the night protein drinks either.
I am getting a lot of braxton hicks.
My biggest hurdle is my hands!
They are in an excruciating amount of pain.
My fingers are numb 24/7.
I cant squeeze them in a fist.
I am having the kids help me do things like whisk the eggs.
I am up every couple hours in the night shaking my hands trying to get circulation.
I am icing them, trying to relieve the pain.
Doctor said it is carpel tunnel.
He recommended hand braces.
So I wear hand/wrist braces to bed and it kind of helps.
But not really. 
But my doctor says it will go away when sister is born.

I am still amazed that there is a baby growing in my body.
My wonky body.
My belly is the oddest shape and lopsided from all the scars that I have.
BUT, sister doesn't care, she is working with the space I can give her.
Were both doing good.
My heart is full....and so is my belly.

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