November 14, 2021

Back in person

 September 14, 2020

Oh my goodness...
our charter school got special clearance to go back to school!!!!!
Things will look different BUT they get to go back.
None of the schools in California are in session so we feel so grateful. 

  They HAVE to wear a mask!

They HAVE to get their temperature taken before going into the school.

Andie isn't allowed to take a backpack
but Miles is.
We don't really understand.
Miles can take a snack for nutrition but Andie can not. 
Andie brings home all her papers at the end of the week so there is less contact with the teacher?
 It does not make sense.
But apparently they are following protocol. 

For now Andie goes to school Monday through Thursday 8am -10am and will zoom from home on Fridays.
She is in the morning class with only 8 kids in her group (class) the other half of the class will go in the afternoon.
They sit on the ground with little tables on their lap and sit 6 feet apart from each other.
They cannot play on the play ground but get to go outside for a break.

Miles gets to go to school Tuesdays and Thursdays 8am-noon.
He will zoom from home Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
He is only allowed to "play", sit, eat and interact with the kids in his class.
They call it "cohorts"  and Miles is in Cohort B.
They get PE everyday- because they don't get recess right now.
The PE teacher has done amazing things to keep them happy while following all the rules the state has put into place so we can be open.
We don't love all the rules, we don't love the new way of things BUT our kids get to be in the classroom again and they are so happy to be there!

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