We should have known better when we saw the bike racks in Florence. I mean every where else had matching bikes in an orderly fashion, but here... not so much!! Every person we talked to RAVED about Florence and to that we say.....blah. blah. blah! Sure it was beautiful and we were in Italy but we didn't love this place. The day started out with some smiles. But behind this smile was an uncomfortable feeling. Paranoid about our luggage that we just left behind for the hotel to babysit while we went site seeing for the day.
A few feet further from David was the famous Dumo. Yes it's a lot of green goin on. We stood there took a quick snap shot and moved on. Still not lovin Florence.
Soooo, we climbed the 400 something stairs to the top...
We walked down the Renaissance streets of Florence really not into it. We wondered if we made the right choice to visit this place. Yes there is history here and things to see but we weren't diggin it. We did see DAVID (well the fake one) But, this is where he originally stood.
It was about this point of the morning I said to Romney
and my sweet so endearing husband said
"babe it'll be fine"
A few feet further from David was the famous Dumo. Yes it's a lot of green goin on. We stood there took a quick snap shot and moved on. Still not lovin Florence.
I asked again
" can we please go back and get our stuff?"
" can we please go back and get our stuff?"
"we said a prayer this morning it's going to be fine"
At this point I'm annoyed and nagging "can we please go back and get our stuff"
and my charming sweet heart says
"lets climb the Dumo before the sun goes down and we'll go get our stuff"
I couldn't even enjoy the bridges that Florence has to offer.
Soooo, we climbed the 400 something stairs to the top...
This was by far the BEST thing we did that day! It was a hard climb but worth the view.
very cool.
and my sweet husband finally said "YES!!!"
he's a stubborn one that romney.
We walk in the hotel to get our belongings. Right when we walked in my heart fell and there was a pit in my stomach... all we saw was our neck pillow, the big brown tube that held our paintings, and a plastic bag of souvenirs sitting on the couch. Everything else was gone!!! Romney ran out the door to the train station and started searching trash cans for anything that was ours. I sat in the hotel lobby starring at the wall while one little tear fell down my cheek. All of our stuff had been stolen. I felt sick about it! Everything was gone!! ALL NEW Clothes, underwear, socks, makeup, medication, my hair CHI, etc... When Romney returned we tried to work anything out with the hotel people and they were useless. We went to the store that night to buy some toiletries. And for heaven sakes we were in Italy...fashion capitol. Where on earth were we going to get new clothes that we could afford???
H&M was the answer the following morning.
We caught the fastest train out of there.
We left our sadness in Florence telling ourselves "its just stuff"
"all replaceable stuff"
"all replaceable stuff"
and headed to Venice, excited!
Romney appolgized all night and promised me that I could buy whatever I wanted when we got home....
and I did.
Yes, we had all money, credit cards, passports and camera goods on us.
It is much more dramatic actually seeing the pictures along with the story- you are definitely going to have to share the rest of the story!! We are on the edge of our seats here!!!
oh Erin, how awful!! I definately need an in person telling of this one!
seriously!!! At least you got a shopping spree out of it!
ohhhh florence, I am sorry to hear about those thieves there. This europe trip is great, I love the weekly updates! I am living europe through you my friend.
I'd bet you a CHI that it was the hotel employees.
OH MY... that is not good. Matt would have said the same thing, "lets say a prayer and everything will be okay."
but a beautiful place indeed!
Oh Erin, how awful. I am sorry. That is no fun, even if you seem to have a good attitide, it is still devastating and I am sorry :(
I am glad you guys had fun at the other places and had a good trip otherwise!
so lame. whoever has your stuff better be enjoying it. Can't wait to hear about venice, cuz I'm pretty sure it gets better . . . .
But you said a prayer that morning??!! =) Ha..so glad you can laugh about it now. I'm so loving the pics, they are gorgeous. And I'm with you, Florence blorence! Keep em coming
PS-did the green poop come off the carpet? And is it now a nice bright white spot??
Yikes, I guess there was a lesson leared wasn't there Rom? YOUR WIFE IS ALWAYS RIGHT :) You had a great attitude about it, you guys are so cute!
Traveling in Europe with no luggage is the pits! (Been there done that) But at least we got ours eventually :( :( I guess the upside is you had an excuse to buy new stuff.
Erin I've LOOOVED reading about your trip! You are such a good writer :)
I can NOT believe your stolen clothes...
such amazing pictures!!
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