May 4, 2009


knowing there isn't any more infamous "Carmel DeLites" left in the cupboard. and why did they change the name Carmel DeLites from Samoas?


Kipn n' Sarah said...

That is serious sadness right there!! Those are my very favorite girlscout cookies EVER!! SO YUMMY and I liked the name Samoa's too! Anyway I share your sadness !

Tyler Jorgenson said...

I'll never call them Carmel Delights.

Sheryl said...

I just sent a couple of boxes to our Missionary in Honduras...a family favorite for sure!

Meagan Cooper said...

That makes me sad as well friend.

Heidi said...

TOTALLY my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE! what a sad sad day to know that they are gone. The only good thing is, is that matt doesn't like them at all. SO I had 3 boxes all to myself! LOVE IT!

Jenny said...

You are too funny. A sad day for sure. Silly they changed the name, everyone I know still calls them samoas.

Kris said...

BooHoo for you!

Jeana said...

Oh man! I had No Idea they changed the name!! to a major lame one too! Those are also my favorite girl scout cookies as well as every one else.. I'm sorry they are out...

Hillary said...

Your so funny!

Ashley said...

Sooo sad....I would like to feel sorry for you.....
the fact that you even had a box and I did not even get to partake of ONE Samoa this year is quite depressing. I don't know what girls at my door, none in front of the grocery...what the hay girl scouts??? I'm really upset right now.

Rachelle said...

how about next week?!?! we can meet up for lunch or something.

Alison said...

That is true sadness. I feel so bad to think our dad must have felt that sad when he would find his own personal hidden stash of Samoas gone....becasue I had found them. =)

Mimi said...

That is SAD!!! Those are my favorite!! Have you tried them in the ice cream?? It is severely disappointing. Don't waste your money!!

megan&steve said...

Oh no!
Thanks for blogging recently. I've missed seeing you!

Heather Anderson said...

You are too FUNNY!