April 2, 2009


Have you ever wondered what the outside of our house looks like? Or what the actual house itself looks like? There is a reason I have never showed this beauty off. Can you see why? I felt as those I had some pride but now.....what pride?

Here she is in all her glory!!! This my friends is OUR backyard!

This landfill.. I mean, this yard has about everything you can think of; gravel, sand, weeds, concrete blocks, railroad ties, iron fences, chicken wire, tree trunks... But thanks to the tracker (and craigslist...someone actually bought the pool) its almost all gone!!!!
...yeah our hands are full...


Heidi said...

that yard is HUGE! Holy cow! You sure do have a project on your hands. but Im sure it will all turn out just as wonderful as the inside!

Kipn n' Sarah said...

That yard is HUGE!!! See look at the positive right??? My back yard looks like junk too! We paid all this money to do our patio and I love how it looks but then the rest of the yard is weeds and dirt! We never had the $ to finnish but it is for sure on the priority list. Someday right??? O and ours is super small so not so intimidating. Your is huge so I would be intimidated too!

Emily said...

I love the size of the yard! Once everything gets cleaned up it will look great. Your backyard is nothing compared to what we have seen lately...scary!!!!

Anonymous said...

that's awesome that things are getting cleared out!!! It'll feel great to have that huge project done and off your hands! Maybe next summer we can have some bbq's there. :)

Griffeth Family said...


Erin you should check out this link. You could win a trip to NYC!!

Lacy Rane said...

i still cannot believe you let someone buy that gorgeous pool . . . . . !

Alison said...

I just think it is so great that you guys have so much space! I can see the vision! I can't WAIT to see the completed project! Hang in there. xoxoxo

megan&steve said...

Wow. it is a nice sized yard though. What a freakin hard project to deal with. Craigslist is a dream come true.

Jeana said...

You really do Have a HUGE BACK YARD! Just like every one else said! I"m jealous. But I am glad your getting it cleared out!

Hillary said...

Huge back yard! It will be awesome once your all done!

Melissa said...

ok, you are like the pro blogger... you need to teach me your tricks... love the yard and the girls had a blast playing in the dirt. :)

Matt and Melody Odell said...

Hey Erin, I just wanted to say hi, your yard is huge but I have faith in you and Romney. Hope we can catch up sometime soon, we would love for you guys to come over for dinner or something!