We received a NOTICE OF VIOLATION from the city yesterday and we're pretty upset about it too! When we bought this REPO house last year we knew the yard was going to get ripped out and re-done. But before we did the lawn we needed to fix the inside so that we could live in it! So therefore the outside doesn't get attention. We have patches of grass here and there-mostly there. We also get some(a lot of) weeds and the side yard is so over grown with ...with you name it! Somebody on our street totally called in and complained about our yard! Our street is very long so we don't know everybody- just our surrounding neighbors. We have no clue which friendly neighbor called! Apparently we are not the only ones on this street who have been tattled on either. The funny thing this street is
not part of an H.O.A.
We have until the 4th of February (yeah that's in less than 3 weeks) to get landscaping done by then to avoid a $1000.00 dollar a DAY fine!!! We need to gut it, install new sprinklers , and lay grass? No way! What the crap? 1000 dollars a day? Really? Who is this person? We have been working so hard on our house and these people clearly have no idea. What? DO they think for the last year we've been sitting on our couch doing nothing? The thing is we truly were going to attack the yard this spring(because that's when you're supposed to landscape...spring or fall). We are trying to fight this and get the date extended to the spring....we shall see.
Poor Rom was outside all day chopping down all kinds of trees, bushes, flower bushels(gasp we cut the trees). He went a little crazy with the chain saw. He was pretty mad! Every time I would go check on him I'd yell up and down the street
Poor Rom was outside all day chopping down all kinds of trees, bushes, flower bushels(gasp we cut the trees). He went a little crazy with the chain saw. He was pretty mad! Every time I would go check on him I'd yell up and down the street
Wow, what nerve, I can't believe that you have 3 weeks to get it all finished!!!! That is insane, $1000 a day. And seriously what if you couldn't afford nice landscape and then the extra fine on top. OHHH I would be fuming! I hope you can get it done, Go Rom!
oh my gosh... we are a part of an HOA and we have neighbors that like to call in any and ALL imperfections in front of our house. we had a dead bush in a pot and we got a notification on it. SO SO ANNOYING! I totally understand the "mind your own business" part, Not the $1000 a day fine. thats just rediculous!
What the crap??? I hate your neighbors. After you fix your yard - please get a pack of annoying dogs that BARK all day/night long to teach them a lesson!!!
oops, sorry that last comment was from me :) not my sister in law kallie :)
Seriously people need to mind their own buisness. What is your yard hurting them and haven't they noticed that you just moved in awhile ago?? I hate people like that. My family used to go camping and go to Utah all the time so we would have the motorhome parked in front of the house and one neighbor called and complained so my parents had to pay a fine and the motorhome can only be there for like 1 or 2 days and that's only for them to empty it out! So I know how you feel!!
Oh my heck!! That is crazy!! I had NO IDEA somebody could do that!!!! That would tick me right off!!! What jerk neighbors those people were. Your street is super long, but you'd think it would be someone closer to you if they care THAT much to go to the absolute extreme!!!!! Good Luck, I hope you can figure something out so those evil neighbors don't get their way!!
What crummy neighbors to come and tattle on you! I hope you win the battle & get your date extended!
Our next door neighbor's house had been vacant for months and now there are new owners. They've been there for about 4 or 5 months and there is still a wasteland of dead weeds and dirt it's been that way for a couple of years it seems. I was wondering if they were just waiting to redo the whole yard or what. I promise I'll be patient with them...
$1000 day fine...really, come on!!! That sucks, I am so sorry! Ty and I are looking for homes right now and are trying to avoid HOA homes, and you don't even have one. That so does not make sense!!!! So sorry!!!!!
That is infuriating!! And $1000 a day? We've had notifications on our house because we were re-doing our landscaping and we just let it go until spring--but we belong to an HOA. City of Riverside--Kiss it!! Maybe you can just gut it slowly and then by spring it will be ready for beautification.
That is crazy!!!! Someone left a note on our car once telling us we couldn't park in our own parking lot. I was so mad. I wanted to go knock on everyones doors to find out who had left it. Josh wouldn't let me (and said something about it not being safe to do that yah, yah)
I like the yelling up the street. I might have to give that a try next time. Good luck.
I can only agree with everyone elses comments. I have never heard of this either, not being part of an HOA. Absolutely crazy!! Good luck, call me if you need help... I'm a good weed picker! :)
I remember you saying something about this back in like Dec. you thought someone would do something like that! that is crazy that they only give you 3 weeks and then after that it is a $1000 bucks a day! SOOOO INSANE! Good Luck!
Ok seriously that is SO LAME!!!! I am so sorry that you have to deal with that, I would FREAK!!! Who can come up with that kind of money so stinkin fast and then the time to get all the work done that is needed. I feel for you girl! THAT SUCKS!!! I ain't gonna lie!
Ohhh I am so mad for you. How can one person have so much power!? If you need derek and his sod laying skills just let us know. And our landscaper was really cheap and quick. If you are interested let us know.
I am mad for you too! Back off folks! Make sure that you do all the work at night and make lots of noise for everyone in the neighborhood to enjoy!
OMG I cannot believe tht cuz I have seen way worse yards in my hood and yours:) And there is no HOA so what the heck... well I guess it is motivation to get the yard work done maybe I should call on my own yard and then Matt will have to "fix" it HAHA
Not much more that I can say because of all the previous comments except WOW! Some people thrive on everyone else's business. Do they not have enough going on in their lives??? We are also part of an HOA and there is a lady from the association who drives up and down the streets to find violations. I even called her on one of our notices and she said she doesn't remember who is who because she sends out 300 violation notices a day!!! Some people just need to get a life. So sorry!!
completely outrageous! but you already know that. good luck trying to figure out what to do now . . .
I would be so mad. I can't believe that! If it's not part of a HOA, then who's making you do this? I didn't even know people could do that!! Where do there people get off?! Who do they think they are!?! I'm mad and it's not even my house. I am sure my husband could give you all kinds of ugly landscaping tips to get back at them. He's a landscape architect. :)
I hope you notice my comment since there are 20 on this post! I am glad you found my blog so I could find yours. I have been wondering where you were all this time! You two are such a cute couple! And sorry about your nasty neighbors!
oh my goodness i so remember you. you look so good. i am so glad you found me i cant believe it. well have fun and ill keep in touch.
I was thinking that I would be more than happy to landscape/maintain your yard of $500.00 a day if you don't get it done in time. Anything to help.
My schedule is flexible. Want some help?
Serious, I need to meet Romney anyway.
We had that happen too but our fee was $280.00 and they told us we need to get a yard in soon our we will get more fees. The joys of LAME neighbors!!!
Oh my goodness! So sorry!! Love your post though! Ha!
Hows the landscaping going? what is the progress?
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