November 25, 2012

Christmas tears

A few years ago I was decorating the Christmas tree.
I love decorating the tree, it's one of my favorite things to do.
Romney was taking a nap upstairs and I was listening to Christmas music...another favorite. 
 I was singing along with the carols when the phone rang.
I jumped over boxes, tiptoed around ornaments and ducked under the ladder to answer the phone.
It was my nurse from the infertility clinic.
She said: Hi Erin.
I nervously asked: whats the word?
She gently said:  Negative.
I thanked her.
 I walked to the living room and went back to work on our tree.
I hung up a few ornaments ignoring what I just heard...but within seconds I fell to my knees and began to cry.
I cried tears of sadness, frustration, loneliness, and confusion. 
 Why was this happening?
Fast forward to present day:
I was pulling out the Christmas boxes and started to decorate the family room.
I was working on the mantel specifically.
I was unpacking the stocking holders when I started to cry.
You see....
I was on the hunt years ago for specific silver picture frame stocking holders.
My mom came across some at Aaron Brothers.
She called me and said she found what I had been searching for.
She asked how many I wanted.
I told her 6.
2 for Romney and I and 4 for our future kids(not knowing I was infertile).
For Y E A R S  I have only pulled out 2 stocking holders for Romney and I.
 But this year I pulled out 3.
3 stocking holders...for MY mantel.
I cried tears of joy, gratitude, and love.
I know exactly the answer to my pleading "WHY" many years ago.
It's simple.
We just had to wait for Miles.
He has been worth all the tears, and sadness we had to go through.
and now...
look; there are three stockings hung with care.
And it doesn't even matter how long it took.
I am grateful that my longest days of sadness were during the Christmas season.
I was able to focus on the birth Jesus Christ,
and through Him,
my tears of sadness have been replaced with such JOY.

November 17, 2012

Eye appointment for the little tyke

When Miles was a new born he had clogged tear ducts.
We talked to the doctor about it and she told us it would clear up on its own.
And somewhere at sometime it did clear up.
Then in September Miles got some goop in his eye....
the DREADED PINK EYE(so we all thought)
So he was put on  antibiotics for a week and they got better.
Then a week later it was back.
More washing the sheets daily and scrubbing the hands.
it came back a third time.
So I called the doctor A G A I N and she didn't want us to come in but that she wanted to refer us to the eye specialist.

Here are Miles goopy eyes on a daily basis.
They are super red and gunky. 
They look more sore than they really are.... but poor fella.
SOOOO... the little tyke sat with daddy in the chair and followed the tiger...
...fought the drops for the pupil to dilate...
...he helped the technician hold the instrument...
After the eye exam the results are:
His eyes are developing correctly and he sees what he should at this age...
However, he DOES have clogged tear drains and is scheduled for surgery after his first birthday.
With fully dilated pupils he got to work thee awesome sunglasses they provide.

November 13, 2012

9 Months

You stop growing.
This is going toooo fast.

We feel like every month is better than the last.
We feel like each stage is the cutest.
We feel like there is NO way we could love him anymore but, our hearts keep filling up on more Miles.
We're obsessed,
It's awesome.

Miles is a-crusin.
He stands up where he wants to stand and slowly moves those feet a couple steps to the side.
He can open the cupboards and pull out the bowls.
He tries for the glass bowls BUT I do stop that one.
He LOVES Magnus' kennel.
Anytime the door is open, Miles automatically makes his way inside.
He doesn't care if Magnus is IN it....
or NOT.
He just makes himself at home.
He loves going through his basket of toys everyday.

He really loves this cupboard in the corner of the house.
He stays pretty busy back there.
He uses his pointer finger all day.
He points to everything. 
Right now he is into noses.

We are greeted by a happy boy each morning.
and if we dont go get him relevately quick 
he starts....
eating the crap out of his crib.

Fun 9 month old facts about our cool baby:

Miles now has 4 teeth (two top and two bottom--another is trying to poke through now)
He is starting to mimic what a monkey and Lion say
He responds to his name 
He will drop everything, crawl to you while crying when asked: "Miles do you want a BABA?"
He loves crackers and drinking from his big boy straw cup
He tugs on your leg to be held
He loves to find you when he sees you crawl away from him
He likes to eat our shoes, cherrios, and rice chex
He LOVES blowing raspberries still
He lights up when dad walks in the room
He makes the hard "C" sound a lot
He lays perfectly still while his ears get cleaned
He uses his pointer finger for everything....even rolling the ball back to me
He got his second hair cut
He weighs 22 pounds
He is starting to bounce up and down while standing on the couch
He is very difficult to take a picture of now that he is mobile.
Yep, he's a cool one.