(April 4, 2019)
We rolled into the tiny town of Augas Calientes late at night and it was pitch black outside.
We got to our hotel just before the power went out for the night.
We slept for a few hours and set our alarms so that we could go stand in line at the bus stop.
We got on the bus and made our way to the tippy top of the mountain.
The bus ride was so bumpy and windy.
The roads were narrow.
We tried taking a picture but all of them were so blurry because of how bumpy it was.
After all the hoops we had to jump through- we finally made it.
When we walked through the gate we were greeted by some llamas and lots of fog!
It was chilly but no one was really there.
So we started the day pretty much by ourselves.
We watched the fog evaporate by the minute...
and with each minute more of Machu Picchu revealed itself.
We loved our tour guide.
We loved learning about the land, the culture and the religion.
We learned about Pacha Mama (mother earth) and the deep love and respect the people have for her.
After our tour we headed to the other side of the park to hike up
Huayna Picchu (why-nah picchu)
I'm pointing to the top of where we are going.
This is by far the hardest hike I have ever done.
It was straight up.
Stair after Stair for over and hour.Sometimes they had cables to hold on to for help
But once you got to the top....

oh my goodness...
It was amazing!
The Andes Mountain were something fierce.
We literally were on top of the world.
You can see Machuu Picchu way down there but you can also see the switch backs next to it.
That is the road the bus drives up and down all day long.
Its still unclear why Machuu Picchu exists.
We know this place was kind of like a summer home or a vacation spot to get away.
It is believed they studied the stars while here too.

When we got back down the mountain, the fog had cleared out, the sun was out and we got to see it everything in all its glory!
The greens were gorgeous.
The blues were blue.
It was magical.
We spent the entire day walking the grounds and finding all the angles to look out at.
We came across more llama
and followed them around!
We didn't want our day to end.
We didn't want to leave.
We were some of the last people inside the park.
As we made our way back to the bus more llamas started coming out to eat.
Must have been because there were less people?
We loved it and couldn't get over what an incredible experience we had
in the Andes!
If Peru is not on your bucketlist...
add it now!