November 30, 2019

Christmas is here!

(December 24 & 25, 2018)

Christmas Eve is always so exciting.
The kids are bouncing off the walls with joy!

We started the day off with making sugar cookies for Santa.

 And of course we needed to decorate them.

That evening we ate our own cookies the kids left cookies and milk out for the Jolly ol Elf next to the fireplace.

We read the Nativity story in the Bible found in Luke chapter 2...
and ended the night reading The Night Before Christmas.
And sent these cuties to bed.

Santa had come and there was peace in our home.

Lane was content with his Puffs that were in his stocking.

And Romney was content with his pistachios that were in his. 

Miles wanted a big, stretchy frog and he got TWO!
He asked Santa for those specifically and was soooo happy!

Andie got new tutus in every color.

We had Grandma and Grandpa with us this year.
The kids loved helping them open their presents.

Miles got the book Wonkey Donkey and grandma read it immediately.
It is a hilarious read.

Lane LOVED his new water floor mat.
He loved squishing all the sea creatures.

Laser tag was a hit!!

And so were these red plasma cars.

It was such a fun morning.
The kids were happy and full of love.
Christmas is so magical and we couldn't feel more blessed.

November 19, 2019

A full December part I

(December 2018) 

December really is the most wonderful time of year.
It is full of traditions and JOY.
Here are some of our highlights:
 For several days Miles would come home from school and make on Christmas cards.

Once we had enough cards, we went to the store and bought flowers and mini balloons to go with them.
We hand delivered these little treasures to the widows in our ward.
We walked up to each door and the kids shouted Merry Christmas and gave big hugs.
The women LOVED it!
We loved it.
It truly got us in the Christmas spirit.

 We invited our friends over for our annual gingerbread house decorating night.

We sat at the counter and made Christmas crafts...
candy canes, christmas trees...

snowmen and snowflakes.

We attempted cute pictures in front of the christmas tree....

the key word is

Oh these babes.
We sure love them!!

November 3, 2019

baby Lane is 6 months

(November 2018) 

Baby Lane is 6 months!
This month has brought fevers and bronchitis but he has still been such a honey.
He has discovered his toes.
And has the sweetest giggle.
He loves "his whisk".
It keeps him very happy while he sits in his bumbo while I cook dinner.

He can sit up on his own for a few minutes.
Once he realizes he's on his own he falls over.

He has discovered Magnus!

We love our dog and are so happy he has been around for all our babies.

He is strong enough to put into the exersaucer for a little 
and he loves eating all the toys so far.

He still is napping in our room but has started sleeping in HIS room in HIS big boy crib.
He is starting to sleep on his tummy a bit which makes for way comfier sleeping.

 This boy wakes up happy and LOVES his biggest fan....Miles.

He really is such a happy happy boy.

He loves the bath and kicks those legs constantly.
He thinks looking into the mirror and seeing himself is the best.
He is a dream baby IF you will hold and play with him all day everyday.
 He hates being left alone and wants to be held all the time.
He is currently loving bananas, peas, avacados, and squash.
He is a beefy 18 pounds and we love every bit of him.
Happy half Birthday buddy!!

October 26, 2019


(November 2018) 

The Friday before Thanksgiving break I got to go to Miles school to help with the Thanksgiving Feast.
All the first graders looked adorable dressed up.

I love that we are at the same school as cousins.
Sweet Addy girl.

 It is a MUST every Thanksgiving break to make noodle necklaces.
We pick a few colors we want use and let the noodles soak in rubbing alcohol and food coloring of choice.

Once they have reached the color we are happy with, we pull them out of the liquid and let them dry over night. 


And then we thread them the next day.
They are easy and they are fun. 

 The morning of Thanksgiving we got up and went on a walk with the Tangs and Frys.


We hurried home to get the turkey in the turkey roaster.
We were hosting FRIENDSGIVING (with Tangs and Frys).
Non of us had plans with our families this year so we all rallied together.

We weren't really sure if the turkey was fully cooked.
It was the first time we had used the Turkey roaster...
it took all of us to inspect....

The food was delicious

We had coloring sheets...
 ...word search, and leaves on the kid tables  (for leaf rubbing)

And after dinner the kids played game.

We love these people and are so blessed to have them in our lives.
They truly are family to us.
Happy Friendsgiving.

October 9, 2019

New Floors

(Late fall 2018)

Since the day we moved into this house we have wanted to put in new floors.
There was different tiles all throughout the house including the bathrooms.
We finally dug deep in our pockets to make it happen.
But in true Ellsworth fashion we decided we should do 2 weeks before Lanes sealing and blessing.
Our house was in shambles and we knew it had to be finished before we had a house full of people.
Why do we do this to ourselves? 

But first, Romney had to float the floors.
The grout lines were too thick to lay new floors on.

As soon as the floor starting going in we knew what an improvement this was going to be!!

Andie was a big cheerleader for dad.

It was looking SO good!

Romney was so patient with the kids.
He stopped what he was doing when they needed some love.

At night after his work day, Jason would come help out.
We are grateful for good friends.

There was boxes, paper and wood planks everywhere.
It was chaos!
It was rough to live around it all.

The good news is...
The floors got done before the blessing.
We had a house full of people on beautiful new floors.....

with no baseboards!