September 18, 2019

Hawaii Wrap Up....

(September 2018) 

As our week was coming to a close we had our last beach day in Hanalei Bay.
I could move to this exact spot and never move.
It is gorgeous.
It is peaceful.
It is fun!

Heather was a trooper in always being willing to snuggle Lane.
We all did our part in trying to keep this baby out of direct sunlight.
Ha, Lane was the TROOPER!
Romney and Miles had a great time boogie boarding together...
Miles and Tyson stood in the waves, ran from the waves, fell in the waves, swam in the waves....
...and celebrated in the waves.
Andie and Eden found endless amount to joy running down the sandy hill right behind where we were sitting.
Sand Castles were built....

And hugs were shared on this beach.

On our last day we decided to do a Helicopter tour of the Island.
We left all the kids at the house for Ashlyn to babysit.

All except for baby Lane.
Seeing this island from the top is AMAZING!
Even on our cloudy day we saw so much beauty.
We had so much fun and appreciated Lane being our chaperone. 


The next morning it was time to go.
We were so sad to leave paradise.
We were loading up the cars and saw these cute kids at the bottom of the drive way.
We didn't want to leave!

Hawaii is such a great place to vacation with kids.
And I know we will be back!!

September 16, 2019

Hawaii Part III

(September 2018)

Kauai is just so beautiful. 
On Sunday morning we went to church in thee cutest meeting house.
We only stayed for the first hour and of course had to take pictures of us in front.
It was so cute!
Miles is such a sweet brother and is always wanting to hold his baby brother.
Now that Lane is getting bigger and can hold his head up better we are letting Miles hold him while he is standing up and we even let him walk short distances with him.
Miles is loving that role!