May 11, 2014

A Mothers Love

Happy Mothers Day.

I had to wait to become a mother. 
For a very long time.
But, like my mom says

I was told many times "until you are a mother, you will not understand"
...and now, I understand

A mothers love is unconditional. 
A mothers love brings something out of you that you didn't know even existed. 
A mothers love never runs dry-- even on a very L O N G day of a whiny two year old.
A mothers love cannot be described in any written language.

But I can describe what makes a mother.
Mothers are kind. Mothers weep. Mothers are strong. Mothers love. Mothers are selfless. Mothers want the very best for their child. And Mothers give.

Miles came to me from a girl who was kind, who wept, who was strong, who loved and wanted the very best for her child.  
 It is because of a mothers love that I am a mother.

May 9, 2014

Jumping with "ampa"

Last weekend grandma and grandpa were in town. 
(they came to help us move into our new house...but at the last minute problems have occurred from the seller)
Miles calls them "ahwah" and "ampa"'s adorable.

The evening weather is perfect right now.
So of course there were lots of late nights with family.
But one night we just never got out of our chairs to go inside. 

Miles is totally loving trampolines right now. 
He smiles, squeals, and screams with joy.
My brother just so happens to have this piece of goodness in his backyard.
It melted my heart watching my son sitting with my dad- his ampa on the trampoline.

But once they started jumping...
that is what made my heart so happy.

I don't know who was having more fun...

Once they settled down with the sun they watched the "rocket" fly across the moon...

...and looked for stars....
Miles wont remember this moment when he is older. 
But I will.
It was sweet.
It was perfect.
It was what every grandson needs from a AMPA.
 Thank you dad for loving our boy the way you do.